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    Haithem NAGATI


    He is an associate professor in Supply Chain Management. He gained his habilitation to supervise PHD at Aix-Marseille university. His research interests focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and management of supply chain relationship.


    2014 Habilitation to supervise phd, Aix-Marseille University, France 

    2007 Doctorate in management sciences, Grenoble Alpes University, France


    2014-2019 Dean Research, ICD International Business School (Groupe IGS) 

    2011-2014 Professor in Supply Chain Management, ICD International Business School (Groupe IGS)


    Supply Chain Management 

    Corporate Social Responsibility


    Supply Chain Management 

    CSR and Supply Chain 

    CSR and performance 

    CSR Reporting and performance 

    CSR and governance


    ‑ Nekhili, Mehdi, Boukadhaba, Amal, , Nagati, Haithem, , Chtioui, Tawhid. 2019. ESG performance and market value: the moderating role of employee board representation.The International Journal of Human Resource Management, FORTH

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2019. Is voluntary external assurance relevant for the valuation of environmental reporting by firms in environmentally sensitive industries?.Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, FORTH

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2019. L’influence modératrice de la performance environnementale sur le lien entre communication RSE et performance boursière.Revue de l'Organisation Responsable , 14 (2): 38-57 p.

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2019. Rendre compte des engagements environnementaux aux clients: quels effets sur l’évaluation de la performance commerciale ?.Question(s) de Management, 26: 89-108 p.

    ‑ Gull, Ammar Ali, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Chtioui, Tawhid. 2018. Beyond gender diversity: How specific attributes of female directors affect earnings management.The British Accounting Review, 50 (3): 255-274 p.

    ‑ Bennouri, Moez, Chtioui, Tawhid, , Nagati, Haithem, , Nekhili, Mehdi. 2018. Female Board Directorship and Firm Performance: What Really Matters?.Journal of Banking and Finance, 88: 267-291 p.

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2018. Customer-related performance and the relevance of environmental reporting.Journal of Cleaner Production , 190: 315-329 p.

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2018. The impact of corporate environmental reporting on customer-related performance and market value.Management Decision, 56 (7): 1630-1659 p.

    ‑ Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles, , Wehrle, Frederick T.. 2018. Impact of incomplete contracts on supply base reduction: The case of French public procurement.Question(s) de Management, 22: 67-80 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia, , Cheour, Mourad. 2018. Les effets des activités promotionnelles et du service logistique sur la satisfaction et l'engagement des détaillants.Décisions Marketing , 90: 55-73 p.

    ‑ Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, , Chtioui, Tawhid, , Rebolledo, Claudia. 2017. Corporate social responsibility disclosure and market value: Family versus nonfamily firms.Journal of Business Research, 77: 41-52 p.

    ‑ Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, , Chtioui, Tawhid, , Nekhili, Ali. 2017. Gender-diverse board and the relevance of voluntary CSR reporting.International Review of Financial Analysis, 50: 81-100 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles, , Rebolledo, Claudia. 2017. The influence of integration strategies on manufacturers’ innovative capacity:: Evidence from an international survey.La Revue des Sciences de Gestion , 285-286: 95-102 p.

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2017. Divulgation environnementale et performance financière des grandes entreprises française.La Revue des Sciences de Gestion , 287-288: 89-98 p.

    ‑ Makaoui, Naouel, Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2015. Le statut de client privilégié: modèle conceptuel et essai de validation.Revue Française du Marketing , 251: 59-76 p.

    ‑ Makaoui, Naouel, Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2015. Proposition d’une échelle de mesure multidimensionnelle de l’engagement en contexte inter-organisationnel.Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, 33 (2): 49-70 p.

    ‑ Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles, , Wehrle, Frederick T.. 2015. How does performance history impact supplier selection in public sector?.Industrial Management & Data Systems, 115 (1): 107-128 p. ‑ Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, , Wehrle, Frederick T., , Paché, Gilles. 2015. Proximité géographique et achat public : Une étude économétrique dans le contexte français.Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 109: 165-186 p.

    ‑ Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, , Wehrle, Frederick T., , Paché, Gilles. 2014. Out of sight, out of mind? Supplier spatial proximity in French public procurement.International Journal of Public Sector Management, 27 (6): 486-500 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2013. Fostering Innovation Through Customer Relationships.Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 14 (3): 16-29 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2013. Supplier Development Efforts: the Supplier’s Point of View.Industrial Marketing Management, 42 (2): 180-188 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2013. Improving operational performance through knowledge exchange with customers.Production Planning & Control , 24 (8-9): 658-670 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2012. The role of relative absorptive capacity in improving suppliers' operational performance.International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 32 (5): 611-630 p.

    Haithem NAGATI 副教授 他是供应链管理的副教授。

    他获得了艾克斯马塞大学的博士学位。 他的研究兴趣集中在企业社会责任(CSR)和供应链关系管理。 教育背景 • 2014: 博士论文监督资格, 艾克斯马塞大学 • 2007: 管理科学博士,格勒诺布尔-阿尔卑斯大学,法国 工作经历  2014-2019 系主任, ICD国际商业与拓展学院  2011-2014 物流与供应链教授, ICD国际商业与拓展学院 专业领域  供应链管理  企业社会责任 研究领域  供应链管理  CSR和供应链  CSR和性能  CSR报告和性能  CSR和治理 期刊发表 学术论文(二十三篇)

    ‑ Nekhili, Mehdi, Boukadhaba, Amal, , Nagati, Haithem, , Chtioui, Tawhid. 2019. ESG performance and market value: the moderating role of employee board representation.The International Journal of Human Resource Management, FORTH

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2019. Is voluntary external assurance relevant for the valuation of environmental reporting by firms in environmentally sensitive industries?.Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, FORTH

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2019. L’influence modératrice de la performance environnementale sur le lien entre communication RSE et performance boursière.Revue de l'Organisation Responsable , 14 (2): 38-57 p.

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2019. Rendre compte des engagements environnementaux aux clients: quels effets sur l’évaluation de la performance commerciale ?.Question(s) de Management, 26: 89-108 p.

    ‑ Gull, Ammar Ali, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Chtioui, Tawhid. 2018. Beyond gender diversity: How specific attributes of female directors affect earnings management.The British Accounting Review, 50 (3): 255-274 p.

    ‑ Bennouri, Moez, Chtioui, Tawhid, , Nagati, Haithem, , Nekhili, Mehdi. 2018. Female Board Directorship and Firm Performance: What Really Matters?.Journal of Banking and Finance, 88: 267-291 p.

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2018. Customer-related performance and the relevance of environmental reporting.Journal of Cleaner Production , 190: 315-329 p.

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2018. The impact of corporate environmental reporting on customer-related performance and market value.Management Decision, 56 (7): 1630-1659 p.

    ‑ Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles, , Wehrle, Frederick T.. 2018. Impact of incomplete contracts on supply base reduction: The case of French public procurement.Question(s) de Management, 22: 67-80 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia, , Cheour, Mourad. 2018. Les effets des activités promotionnelles et du service logistique sur la satisfaction et l'engagement des détaillants.Décisions Marketing , 90: 55-73 p.

    ‑ Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, , Chtioui, Tawhid, , Rebolledo, Claudia. 2017. Corporate social responsibility disclosure and market value: Family versus nonfamily firms.Journal of Business Research, 77: 41-52 p.

    ‑ Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, , Chtioui, Tawhid, , Nekhili, Ali. 2017. Gender-diverse board and the relevance of voluntary CSR reporting.International Review of Financial Analysis, 50: 81-100 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles, , Rebolledo, Claudia. 2017. The influence of integration strategies on manufacturers’ innovative capacity:: Evidence from an international survey.La Revue des Sciences de Gestion , 285-286: 95-102 p.

    ‑ Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, , Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2017. Divulgation environnementale et performance financière des grandes entreprises française.La Revue des Sciences de Gestion , 287-288: 89-98 p.

    ‑ Makaoui, Naouel, Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2015. Le statut de client privilégié: modèle conceptuel et essai de validation.Revue Française du Marketing , 251: 59-76 p.

    ‑ Makaoui, Naouel, Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles. 2015. Proposition d’une échelle de mesure multidimensionnelle de l’engagement en contexte inter-organisationnel.Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, 33 (2): 49-70 p.

    ‑ Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, , Paché, Gilles, , Wehrle, Frederick T.. 2015. How does performance history impact supplier selection in public sector?.Industrial Management & Data Systems, 115 (1): 107-128 p. ‑ Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, , Wehrle, Frederick T., , Paché, Gilles. 2015. Proximité géographique et achat public : Une étude économétrique dans le contexte français.Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 109: 165-186 p.

    ‑ Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, , Wehrle, Frederick T., , Paché, Gilles. 2014. Out of sight, out of mind? Supplier spatial proximity in French public procurement.International Journal of Public Sector Management, 27 (6): 486-500 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2013. Fostering Innovation Through Customer Relationships.Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 14 (3): 16-29 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2013. Supplier Development Efforts: the Supplier’s Point of View.Industrial Marketing Management, 42 (2): 180-188 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2013. Improving operational performance through knowledge exchange with customers.Production Planning & Control , 24 (8-9): 658-670 p.

    ‑ Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2012. The role of relative absorptive capacity in improving suppliers' operational performance.International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 32 (5): 611-630 p.