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    Ivan GUITART

    Ivan GUITART


    He is an Assistant Professor of E-commerce.

    His research focuses on the improvement of digital and traditional advertising decisions.

    His research has been published in prestigious international marketing journals.

    He teaches digital marketing, quantitative methods, and principles of marketing.


    IESE BUSINESS SCHOOL, Barcelona, Spain PhD in Management (2014) Master of Research in Management (2011) ERASMUS SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Visiting PhD student (Nov. 2010 - Apr. 2011) AWARDSTOP GEM's outstanding teaching award 2015-2016 GEM's outstanding teaching award 2014-2015 EXPERTISE Digital marketing, marketing mix modeling, advertising, marketing strategy, applied econometrics, quantitative methods RESEARCH INTEREST Advertising, advertising content, advertising effectiveness, marketing mix modeling, brand equity PUBLICATIONS ACADEMIC ARTICLES (4)

    ‑ Guitart, Ivan, Hervet, Guillaume, , Hildebrand, Diogo. 2019. Using eye-tracking to understand the impact of multitasking on memory for banner ads: the role of attention to the ad.International Journal of Advertising, 38 (1): 154-170 p.

    ‑ Guitart, Ivan, Hervet, Guillaume, , Gelper, Sarah. 2019. Competitive advertising strategies for programmatic television.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, FORTH

    ‑ Guitart, Ivan, Gonzalez, Jorge, , Stremersch, Stefan. 2018. Advertising non-premium products as if they were premium: The impact of advertising up on advertising elasticity and brand equity.International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35 (3): 471-489 p.

    ‑ Guitart, Ivan, Hervet, Guillaume. 2017. The impact of contextual television ads on online conversions: An application in the insurance industry.International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34 (2): 480-498 p.

    Ivan GUITART 助理教授





    教育背景 

    IESE商学院,巴塞罗那,西班牙 

    管理学博士 (2014) 

    管理学硕士 (2011) 

    鹿特丹伊拉斯谟经济学院,荷兰 

    访问博士学者 (11月 2010 – 4月 2011) 获奖 

    GEM's 最佳教学奖 2015-2016 

    GEM's 最佳教学奖2014-2015 专业领域 数字营销,营销组合模型,广告,营销策略,应用计量经济学,定量方法 研究领域 广告、广告内容、广告效果、营销组合模型、品牌资产



    ‑ Guitart, Ivan, Hervet, Guillaume, , Hildebrand, Diogo. 2019. Using eye-tracking to understand the impact of multitasking on memory for banner ads: the role of attention to the ad.International Journal of Advertising, 38 (1): 154-170 p.

    ‑ Guitart, Ivan, Hervet, Guillaume, , Gelper, Sarah. 2019. Competitive advertising strategies for programmatic television.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, FORTH ‑ Guitart, Ivan, Gonzalez, Jorge, , Stremersch, Stefan. 2018. Advertising non-premium products as if they were premium: The impact of advertising up on advertising elasticity and brand equity.International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35 (3): 471-489 p.

    ‑ Guitart, Ivan, Hervet, Guillaume. 2017. The impact of contextual television ads on online conversions: An application in the insurance industry.International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34 (2): 480-498 p.

    上一篇:Jean SAVINIEN