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    Margherita PAGANI

    Margherita PAGANI


    She is Professor of Digital Marketing, Co-Director of the MsSc in Digital Marketing and Data Science. Her current research examines digital marketing, consumer behavior and new technologies, robotics, AI. She also studies social media, privacy and competitive dynamics influencing value creation and capture in digital ecosystems.She published several books (published in US, Italy, Korea) articles in leading international journals and won several Awards.


    2015 Ph.D. in Management - University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 

    2013: Eligibility as Full Professor in Management 

    2010: Eligibility as Associate Professor according to the Italian Law 210/1998 

    2006 : MIT Program inData and Models in Engineering Science and Business Part I and II MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,Massachusetts (certified) 

    2005 : MIT Program in Individual Choice Behavior: Theory and Application of Discrete Choice Analysis - MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (certified)


    2006 - 2012: Assistant Professor - Management Department, Bocconi University 

    2008 - 2011: MIT Sloan Affiliate – MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

    2008 : Visiting Scientist – MIT’s Sloan School of Management 

    2003 : Visiting Scholar, Sloan School of Management - MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge (Boston) 

    2000-2006: Research Fellow (I-LAB Research Center on Digital Economy), Bocconi University


    Digital Marketing 

    Artificial Intelligence in value creation 

    Social Media 

    System Thinking 

    Quantitative Market Research 

    Digital Business Models 

    Digital Platform Ecosystems


    Digital marketing 

    Mobile Marketing 

    Consumer behavior and social media 

    Experiential engagement and social media (social TV, Location based social networks, brand pages)  The effects of privacy on consumer behavior in social networks 

    Robotics and AI



    ‑ Pagani, Margherita, Racat, Margot, , Hofacker, Charles F.. 2019. Adding Voice to the Multichannel and How that Affects Brand Trust.Journal of Interactive Marketing, 48: 89-105 p.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2018. “Chance favors the connected mind”: Tribute to a world class editor.Industrial Marketing Management, 69: 131-132 p.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita, Malacarne, Giovanni. 2017. Experiential engagement and active vs. passive behavior in mobile location-based social networks: the moderating role of privacy.Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37: 133-148 p.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita, Pardo, Catherine. 2017. The impact of digital technology on relationships in a business network.Industrial Marketing Management, 67: 185-192 p.

    ‑ Fortes, Nuno, Rita, Paulo, , Pagani, Margherita. 2017. The effects of privacy concerns, perceived risk and trust on online purchasing behaviour.International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 11 (4): 307-329 p.

    ‑ Godinho, Pedro, Moutinho, Luiz, , Pagani, Margherita. 2017. A Memetic Algorithm for Maximizing Earned Attention in Social Media.Journal of Modelling in Management, 12 (3): 364-385 p.

    ‑ Vernuccio, Maria, Pagani, Margherita, , Barbarossa, Camilla, , Pastore, Alberto. 2015. Antecedents of brand love in online network-based communities: A social identity perspective.Journal of Product and Brand Management, 24 (7): 706-719 P.

    ‑ Borges, Monica, Rita, Paulo, , Pagani, Margherita. 2015. An exploratory study into the determinants of adoption of mobile TV services: an integrated value perspective.International Journal of Electronic Business, 12 (1): 70-94 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita, Goldsmith, Ronald E., , Perracchio, Andrea. 2015. Standardization vs. adaptation: consumer reaction to TV ads containing subtitled or English dubbed ads.International Journal of Advertising, 34 (4): 702-714 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2014. Business Models Disruptions in the Digital Broadcasting Industry.Micro & Macro Marketing, 23 (1): 53-66 P. ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2013. Digital Business Strategy and Value Creation: Framing the Dynamic Cycle of Control Points.MIS Quarterly, 37 (2): 617-632 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita, Otto, Peter. 2013. Integrating strategic thinking and simulation in marketing strategy: Seeing the whole system.Journal of Business Research, 66 (9): 1568-1575 P.

    ‑ GAO, Tao Tony, ROHM, Andrew J., , SULTAN, Fareena, , Pagani, Margherita. 2013. Consumers un-tethered: A three-market empirical study of consumers' mobile marketing acceptance.Journal of Business Research, 66 (12): 2536–2544 P.

    ‑ Goldsmith, Ronald E., Pagani, Margherita, , LU, Xiaojing. 2013. Social Network Activity and Contributing to an Online Review Site.Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7 (2): 100-118 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita, Goldsmith, Ronald E., , Hofacker, Charles F.. 2013. Extraversion as a stimulus for user-generated content.Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7 (4): 242-256 P.

    ‑ ROHM, Andrew J., GAO, Tao Tony, , SULTAN, Fareena, , Pagani, Margherita. 2012. Brand in the hand: A cross-market investigation of consumer acceptance of mobile marketing.Business Horizons, 55 (5): 485–493 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2011. When usefulness does not matter: affective versus cognitive components in the adoption of mobile TV services.International Journal of Mobile Marketing, 6 (1): 5-27 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2011. L' influenza dei fattori contestuali sull'usabilità percepita dei terminali mobili.Finanza Marketing e Produzione, 2011-1: 62-83 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita, MIRABELLO, Alessandra. 2011. The influence of personal and social interactive engagement in social TV websites.International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 16 (2): 41-67 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita, Hofacker, Charles F., , Goldsmith, Ronald E.. 2011. The influence of personality on active and passive use of social networking sites.Psychology and Marketing, 28 (5): 441–456 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita, Hofacker, Charles F.. 2010. Use and Participation in Virtual Social Networks: A Theoretical Model.International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, 2(1): 1-17 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2009. Nouvelle chaîne de valeur pour le sans-fil de troisième génération: attractivité du marché et changements d'advantages concurrentiels.Revue française du marketing, 222: 5-20 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2009. Roadmapping 3G mobile TV: Strategic thinking and scenario planning through repeated cross-impact handling.Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 76 (3): 382-395 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2008. A Value-Choice model to forecast market consequences of 3G mobile service design decisions.International Journal of Mobile Marketing, 3 (1): 23-31 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita, Fine, Charles H.. 2008. Value network dynamics in 3G–4G wireless communications: A systems thinking approach to strategic value assessment.Journal of Business Research, 61 (11): 1102-1112 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2007. A Market Forecasting Model for Third Generation Mobile Multimedia Services.Revista Romana de Marketing, 2007 (1): 103-123 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2007. A Vicarious Innovativeness Scale for 3G Mobile Services: Integrating the Domain Specific Innovativeness Scale with Psychological and Rational Indicators.Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19 (6): 709-728 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2006. Challenges of Usability Evaluations in the Emerging Multimedia Environment.Journal of Information Science and Technology, 3 (3) ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2006. Determinants of adoption of High Speed Data Services in the business market: Evidence for a combined technology acceptance model with task technology fit model.Information and Management, 43 (7): 847-860 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2004. Determinants of adoption of third generation mobile multimedia services.Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18 (3): 46-59 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2000. Interactive television: A model of analysis of business economic dynamics.The International Journal on Media Management, 2 (1): 25-37 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2000. La dimensione economica del nuovo cinema italiano.Franco-Italica, 14 ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 1995. L' emittente locale come impresa economica.Economia & Management, 95 (5): 112-123 P. BOOKS (7)

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2008. Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking. 2nd ed..: Information Science Reference 1756 P. ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2006. Wireless technologies in a 3G-4G mobile environment: exploring new business paradigms.: Egea 228 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2005. Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking.: Idea Group Publishing 1218 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2005. Mobile and Wireless Systems Beyond 3G: Managing New Business Opportunities.: IRM Press 398 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2004. Full Internet Mobility in a 3G-4G mobile environment: managing new business paradigms.: Egea ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2003. Multimedia and Interactive Digital TV: Managing the Opportunities Created by Digital Convergence.: Irm Press 300 P.

    ‑ Pagani, Margherita. 2000. La tv nell'era digitale. Le nuove frontiere tecnologiche e di marketing della comunicazione televisiva.: Egea 160 P.

    Margherita PAGANI 数字营销学教授





    教育背景 

    2015 管理学博士 - 里昂第三大学 

    2013: 获得管理学正教授资格 

    2010: 根据意大利法律210/1998获得副教授资格 

    2006 : 麻省理工学院工程科学和商业的数据和模型课程 第一和第二部分 - 麻省理工学院,剑桥,麻省(认证) 

    2005 : 麻省理工学院行为选择课程: 离散选择分析的理论与应用 - 麻省理工学院,剑桥,麻省(认证) 工作经历 

    2006 - 2012: 副教授 – 管理学院, 博科尼大学 

    2008 - 2011: 麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院 – 麻省理工学院 

    2008 : 访问科学家 – 麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院 

    2003 : 访问学者, 麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院 – 剑桥(波士顿) 

    2000-2006: 研究员 (I-LAB数字经济研究中心), 博科尼大学

    专业领域 

    人工智能在价值创造 

    社交媒体 

    系统思考 

    定量市场研究 

    数字商业模式 



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