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    Nathalie O'MAHONY

    Nathalie O'MAHONY


    She has been working as Lecturer in Business to Business Marketing since 2013. She is specialist in strategic and operational purchasing and supply chain management. She has an 18 years' professional experience in management by food giant Danone at leadership positions. Since 2016, she has been Head of the Specialized in International Strategy and Business to Business Marketing.

    EDUCATION  1998 : PHD in Economics - Aix-Marseille University, France 

    1993 : Master in Business Administration "DESS Certificat d’Aptitude à l’Administration des Entreprises (CAAE)" - Aix-Marseille University, France 

    1992 : Engineering Degree in Food Agronomy - Agro-Sup Dijon, France


    Lecturer in B2B marketing and strategic and operational purchasing 

    Research Fellow in PEAK projects « purchasing interface in projects», & « Purchasing contribution to collaborative innovation » 

    Since Sept 2016 : Head of Specialized Master in International Strategy & BtoB Marketing 

    2007-2012 : BLEDINA SA (Danone Group) – raw material purchasing Manager , then Head of medical sales development , & purchasing Overhead Manager. 

    2003-2006 : Danone – Purchasing Leader of ERP implementation project (SAP) within Danone group, then Head of eBusiness purchasing / SRM (tools & methods)


    Supply chain management – strategic and operational purchasing 

    Digital transformation of customer/supplier interface 

    Supplier/customer relation management in business to business, project & collaborative innovation management 

    Strategic and operational Business to Business marketing RESEARCH INTEREST Relation customer-supplier management in B2B, with a strong interest in project and collaborative innovation management

    Nathalie O'MAHONY 助理教授

    她从2013年开始担任B2B的讲师。 她是战略和运营采购和供应链管理方面的专家。



     教育背景 

    1998 : 经济学博士,艾克斯马塞大学,法国 

    1993 : 工商管理硕士,艾克斯马塞大学,法国 

    1992 : 工学学位食物农学 - 法国第戎高等农学教育学院

    工作经历  B2B营销和战略和运营采购讲师 

    PEAK项目研究员(交互支付项目)(采购对协同创新的贡献) 

    从2016年开始 : 国际战略和企业营销专业的负责人 

    2007-2012 : 达能集团 – 原材料采购经理,医药销售发展主管,采购经理 

    2003-2006 : 达能 – ERP项目采购经理,电子商务采购总监

    专业领域 

    供应链管理—战略与运营采购 

    客户/供应商接口的数字转换 

    供应商/客户关系管理在商业业务,项目和合作创新管理 


    研究领域 B2B中的客户-供应商管理,对项目和协同创新管理有浓厚兴趣

    下一篇:Margherita PAGANI